Cover Reveal – A Cup of Normal

I am so excited to share the new cover for my short story collection: A CUP OF NORMAL. My publisher, Patrick Swenson at Fairwood Press (and fellow author, check out his noir sf THE ULTRA THIN MAN) has quite an eye for this kind of thing. When he suggested this cover, I fell instantly in love. I hope you like it too!

Since we were adding a new cover, I decided to add a new story too. I’m doubly excited to announce that the short, fun story: “A Cup of Normal” for which the collection is named is now included in the collection.

cup of normal front cover

A CUP OF NORMAL contains 23 of my short stories, including “Stitchery” which was the creative springboard for the HOUSE IMMORTAL series.

If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, you can find it here:

Barnes & Noble


Fairwood Press