Good news!

I don’t usuaHouse Immortal.inddlly blog about price breaks on my books, but today I’m making an exception because HOUSE IMMORTAL is on sale for a limited time at the lowest price I’ve ever seen for any of my books. If you were holding off to buy this first in a series, now’s the time! It’s only $1.99 in ebook format, which can be read on any computer, tablet, or phone.

Not really a spoiler alert here, but HOUSE IMMORTAL ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. I’ve received a few emails teasingly cursing me for that, and begging for book #2 INFINITY BELL to come out faster.

That’s what makes the timing of this sale so great. You could buy HOUSE IMMORTAL for cheap right now and by the time you’re done reading it, book #2 INFINITY BELL will be out (March 3rd). Pesky cliffhanger problem fixed! I promise INFINITY BELL ends with less of a cliffhanger, though there are still some threads left open for us to take care of in book #3 CRUCIBLE ZERO.

Here are the buy links for that great sale on HOUSE IMMORTAL:


Barnes & Noble

Books A Million



P.S.: I’m having a few technical issues with the blog today, so please excuse any duplicate pictures if they come through.

P.S.S.: I hope to be back in the swing of blogging this month, so stay tuned for more updates soon. 🙂


  • Deborah Blake

    And if anyone is on the fence, I can tell you that I read it (not really thinking it was going to be my kind of thing, but I love Devon’s writing) and it was FABULOUS.