Infinity Bell is here!

Infinity Bell final 600

Yes! I am so excited that INFINITY BELL, book #2 in my House Immortal series is officially on sale now.  Here are some links, if you’d like to peek inside the book, or buy a copy.

Powell’s Books | IndieBound | Book Depository |Barnes & Noble | Amazon

And here are links to some great reviews, if you’d like to hear what other readers are saying about the book.

 RT Book Reviews

Publisher Weekly

Night Owl Reviews

Book Briefs – review a giveaway!

Carole’s Random Life

I want to thank every one for giving this genre-mashing urban fantasy a try. I certainly love all these characters and their world, and hope you enjoy them too, if you decide to check them out.

Crucible Zero Final

CRUCIBLE ZERO, Book #3 in this trilogy, will be out September 1st of this year and I’m excited for that too!

In other news

I’ll be out of town at the Rainforest Writer’s Retreat for the next five days. I will be working on a really fun project that I hope I can share soon. The retreat has limited-to-zero internet connection, but I’ll be back in the civilized world next Monday.

Until then, dear people, be kind, be well, and happy reading!

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