Cherry City Comic Con

cccc3This weekend was the 2nd annual Cherry City Comic Con. I didn’t attend last year’s con due to poor planning on my part.

But this year, I was determined to go. The convention reins have been taken up by new organizers and as far as I could see, the event prospered for it.

I was only able to spend a couple hours there, but I can’t tell you how DELIGHTED I was to have a comic convention right here in my home town! It was terrific to see people of all ages in costume, wearing favorite fandom shirts and accessories (I was wearing Supernatural, natch), strolling past the booths, and posing for photos.

I was expecting a very small turn out simply because it’s such a new convention, but was pleasantly surprised by the number of booths, artists, guests, attendees, and events.

cccc2My favorite sights of the day had to be: a little boy grinning from ear to ear, clutching his newly purchased crocheted baby Groot in a terracotta pot, and a little girl jumping down the sidewalk with her new wooden Wonder Woman shield in hand. Oh, and the tiny Hulk and little Joker and Harley in the children’s costume contest were pretty darn adorable.

All this geeky goodness fit in one exhibition hall at our State Fair grounds. What a terrific start to an event that I hope will grow and grow.


(Please excuse the blurry pics. I took a couple quick snaps, but then was busy just enjoying the convention to remember to get any good posed photos.)