Hiking: March

Albiqua Falls 2This started out as a test post to see if some maintenance I’ve done here on the page is working, but then I decided why not do a quick catch up?

At the beginning of the New Year, I decided I wanted to get out at least once a month and go somewhere within day-driving distance for a hike.

Oregon has some amazing scenery, but over the last few years my long hours and seven-day work weeks haven’t been exactly accommodating for real-life adventure.

Hubby agreed he’d like to do some day hikes, and so we’ve headed out, one day each month, to go see what we can see.

Last weekend hubby, sister, brother-in-law, and I hiked Abiqua Falls for the first time. This 92 foot falls is less than an hour’s drive from my house and is stunning. The trail is a little muddy, steep, and rocky, but the surrounding forest is beautiful.

And the destination? Worth it.

Abiqua Falls 1