Crucible Zero – Giveaway

Winners have been announced! Click here to see if you won.
Hello there! Sorry I’ve been away from blogging for so long.Crucible Zero Final

It has been a busy spring-into-summer around here. I’ve been writing like crazy on some projects I can’t reveal yet. I do try to peek in on Twitter and Facebook with some regularity. If you want to follow me there too, just click the buttons you might see on the right. πŸ™‚

Today I have good news! I am holding, in my hot little hands, six (6)! advance reader copies of CRUCIBLE ZERO, book #3–the final installment–of my House Immortal series.

Book #2, INFINITY BELL left Matilda in quite a game-changer situation (shhh….no spoilers). CRUCIBLE ZERO picks up right where we left her: facing big decisions, changes, and chances.

CRUCIBLE ZERO doesn’t come out until September, but I’m going to give a copy to six commenters (chosen by the random number generator, natch) here on my blog.

The details:

These do not have the pretty cover. They do have a couple typos and a formatting glitch or two. πŸ™‚crucible zero arc

I will draw winners Tuesday, July 14th and post winner names here on my blog. Please check back!

If a winner does NOT contact me with their mailing address, I will give away the unclaimed ARCs on on my blog on Monday,Β  July 21st in a speed round of first-comment, first-wins.

And that’s it! So how has your summer (or winter, if such season applies) been going so far this year? Seen any good movies? Read any good books?


    • TC stoner

      No summer here in NE Ohio, we’ve had nothing but cold rainy reading days. Luckily there are books.

  • Michelle C.

    Summer has been full of good books. It’s too warm for Oregon, so it’s a good time to stay inside and read books like Infinity Bell and others.

  • Kaysi Peister

    Lets see if this works shall we?
    I rather enjoyed the first two books in this series and really can’t wait for the final one to come out so I can see how it all ends. I do love your writing Devon. I’ll buy the book if I don’t win a copy πŸ™‚ You should have been here today, the weather was amazing.

  • Carrie B

    The last book?! But but but…! </3 It's like finding out this is the last Allie book all over again.

    Summer is hot. I can't summer. Have contemplated moving to Alaska to avoid evil, evil summer. I got into the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas, it gave me ALL the feels. Now I'm caught up and I have to wait for the other books…

  • Julie Garie

    Summer has been good, but unseasonally hot, here in Montana. The last couple days we’ve had smoke moving in from the west. Movies and books? I saw Mad Max:Fury Road last week and thought it was great. Also, not exactly a movie, but I binge-watched the Daredevil series on Netflix. Highly recommended.

  • Bryan M

    I just finished Infinity Bell, before that the Mistborn series (1-3), and now on to Magic Breaks. Got to watch Minions and Ant-Man before hooking up the trailer and driving to Alaska. Looking forward to all of the used bookstores along the way!

  • Marisa Di Filippo

    Please PLEASE pick me! Cannot wait till September to read the follow up! I’ll still buy the released book as I collect all your books but this would be yet another BRILLIANT addition to the collection
    Mille grazie! x

  • Becca K.

    I had a baby in January, so I haven’t seen a movie since Mockingly Pt.1! My “me time” is pretty much limited to speed showers and whatever I’m reading during my commute:) I’m partway through “The Fire Sermon” right now, which makes me really glad I didn’t have twins.

  • Tracy Erickson

    I think there needs to be 6 or 7 more of these:-)
    I’m reading (and loving) ‘Grace of Kings’ by Ken Liu.

  • Jenna

    My summer has been hot. Hot and void of lottery wins. The only thing that can make it better is if the Fates draw my name for one of the ARCs.

  • Shannon

    I’m so excited about this series! I was practically bouncing in my seat as I read House Immortal. I just picked up Infinity Bell today, and I have tomorrow off–I’m looking forward to it!

  • Starbrites

    My summer would be a whole lot better if Mother Nature would actually let us have summer. It was over 90Β° for exactly 1 day and then the next it was 60Β° – Thanks for having this giveaway!

  • Amy Skye

    I find myself wondering what Tilly has been up to! Cannot wait to read the final installment!

  • Jessica Menzel

    I am having a good summer so far. I am re-reading Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Thank you for the chance to win. After Infinity Bell, I cannot wait to get my hands on Crucible Zero and find out what happens.

  • deborahblake1

    I love these books (and I didn’t think I would, since I’m not into Steampunk much). Can’t wait to read the new one. I just finished writing Baba Yaga #3 and sent it off to my editor and immediately started writing the next one. I’ve been reading some older Tanya Huff reissues and a series by Laura Anne Gilman that I picked up the first one of last year at a con we both attended and finally got around to reading.

  • Heidi Franklin

    My summer has been hot, hot, hot, so far. I’ve been fortunate enough to flee to the mountains for a bit of respite. πŸ™‚

  • Marianne ackermann

    I would love a chance at an arc of crucible zero. Summer has been too hot for me. I have been living at the pool and splash pads. Haven’t gotten to see any new movies this summer but am planning on taking my daughter to see minions and inside out.

  • Jaime Dyba

    Summer time is eventful. This summer more than others as we finally moved into dream home. Been super busy packing, cleaning, and unpacking so far. Think this mom of 5 needs a time out and could think of nothing better than to enjoy another book from Devon Monk! Love each and every series. Thank you for showing us your creative mind in your written words, and allowing us an escape.

  • ppellini

    Rainy here today but so far been pretty good weather, hoping to get to the shore in Rhode Island soon and catch up on more reading. Just read The Ophelia Prophecy, scifi by Sharon Lynn Fisher, pretty good and different.

  • Caitlin

    I can’t wait to get my hands on Crucible Zero! Small confession, I’ve been re-reading the first two House Immortal books to see if there are any hints for the next book that I missed!

  • Marne Oyen

    Yes, would love to enter! That last cliff hanger about killed me πŸ˜‰ summer seems to be flying by. Will be taking the kids to see The Minions tomorrow. We need some cool air and giggles!

  • Jennifer Hill

    Back in Oregon for three weeks and scrounging for good books to read; would love this book!

  • Allen Thomas

    Can’t wait to read the book 5 I have caught up on all your books. So I am ready. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Cynthia Porter

    So far summer has been much too hot! I’ve been reading Hugo nominees mixed with some ARCs (Cathy Lamb’s My Very Best Friend) and fiction (The Storied Life of AJ Fikry). Only one movie so far, Inside Out. Absolutely loved it!

  • Bethany C.

    Hey, I wasn’t sure if I made a mistake by commenting on the DD post, so I’ll just reiterate what I said there. Sorry if this is like a duplicate entry. Anyhoo, the last movie I saw was The Book of Life. It was definitely my favorite kid’s movies in a while. I recommend it even if you don’t have kids.

  • Barbara Blackwell

    I can’t wait to read the series. I have been putting off reading them until the series was complete because I can’t stand the wait between books. Once I begin reading them, I’ll only break for the essentials (like work and food) until I devour them all. I’ve no doubt I will love them. I have loved all of your series.

  • jennifer p

    I absolutely love this series! I can’t wait to read the next book! Summer is going great, lots of time to read!

  • Maiya

    Not sure if you’re offering for international but would be great to win one of these. It’s winter time here so cold and wet which is perfect book reading weather :-).

  • Robert Mitchell

    Sitting on pins and needles waiting to find out what happened to Matilda and the world.

  • Jeffrey Lageson

    A summer of long bus rides during the camps I work with kids means a lot of reading. Just finished some Scottish history, a book about Minecraft so I can discuss the subject on the bus, and am currently on the Jill Kismet series. To nab an ARC of the third installment of Matilda’s tale would make for a special treat when stuck in Seattle traffic on a hot bus.

  • RachaelfromNJ

    I would love to read this book. My summer has been good so far. I would like to read more books…need more time.

  • Jeri

    I have been a reading fiend this summer! Lots of new indie authors, much too many to try and list here! πŸ™‚

  • Mandy

    I have read a ton of good books! In truth, summer could be better in my personal life, but reading is keeping me sane. Participated in our local library’s summer reading program with my son, which was awesome. We spend so much time there, they know us by name! Lol!

  • Lora

    I’ve been doing a lot of crafting this summer, getting ready for the fair! I can’t wait till this book hits the shelves though – the first two have been so good!

  • Christine Moore

    My summer has been good so far! We saw Jurassic World,amazing movie! I finally read Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight and it was one I couldn’t put down!

  • Margaret

    Yay! The comments are working now. I tried to enter the first day but couldn’t. Thanks for the reminder tweet πŸ™‚

  • Sarah

    I did not realize that this was the last in the series! I love all of your books. My summer has been insanely busy as I work at a library as a children’s librarian. We have almost reached 1400 registered in our reading club.

  • Zoraida Santiago

    Busy summer taking classes πŸ™‚ between all pretty good though πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot for the opportunity