London Vacation!

I had a chance to take a last-minute three-day vacation in London with the family. We had so much fun, I’m planning on returning as soon as time and funds allow.

Since it was my first visit to London, I wanted to do all the touristy stuff. We went to the Tower of London, walked across the Tower Bridge, toured the Globe Theater, went to THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG at the Duchess Theater (hilarious!), strolled the National Gallery, Westminster Abbey, The London Eye, British Library, Covent Garden. We ate pub food, had a proper English breakfast, rode the tube, rode a double-decker bus, took a black cab, went to a play at the Globe theater (Boudica) and, of course, visited Platform 9 3/4.

We also dropped into the Orc’s Nest to check out their table top gaming stash, and shopped Forbidden Planet, where the staff was kind enough to let me sign some of my books in stock.

This was, I hope, the beginning of doing more travel-for-fun. And what a great beginning it was!

While I tried not to do any work (this was a vacation, after all) I did sneak in a little copy editing on ROCK CANDY, the first Ordinary Magic story that will be out by October 2nd.

I also have the cover of ROCK CANDY to share:

You may notice that this cover doesn’t show the woman’s face. That was a conscious decision to make the short stories stand apart at a quick glance from the rest of the series’ covers. This story is told through the youngest sister, Jean’s point of view, and gives us a slightly different look at Ordinary and its not-so-ordinary citizens.


ROCK CANDY – in proof read stage. Ready to be reviewed! Out by October 2nd

PAPER STARS – in copy editing stage. Out in late November.

SCISSOR KISSES – in planning stage. Out in mid-January.

Untitled book #1 in NEW urban fantasy series – in first draft stage. Out in 2018.

That other book I shouldn’t be working on – in revision stage. Out ???