All the projects

I know it’s still summer, but I’ve got a bad case of Squirrel Brain, by which I mean; I feel like autumn is coming on fast, and winter’s right behind it and then the year’s over and I have So Many Projects to do, or to try, or to finish, and there’s only so many hours left to bury these acorns.

On the writing front, I’m almost finished with revisions on WAYWARD DEVILS, book 4 in the Souls of the Road series. I’d hope to have this done and off my plate last month (or the month before) but here we are, and I’m still slugging away on this book. It will be done by end of August, and my goal is to get it out As Soon As Possible after that, so stay tuned!

On the NEW writing project stuff, I am chomping at the bit to start a series that’s been dreaming around in my head for over a decade. More on that once it moves from dreamland to wordland.

And of course, there are seventy-billion house projects and Life Stuffs to be started, finished, or decided upon.

I’m practicing taking a lot of deep breaths, and making lists, and reminding myself that there are only 24 hours in a day and I don’t have to spend every single one of them working. I’m not doing great actually listening to that sort of reason, but hey, that’s just another project I’m working on. 😉

(photo: art down a walkway, somewhere in Sedona, Arizona)

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