And a one, and a two…

Do Three Things make an update? They do!

ONE: WAYWARD DEVILS, book 4 in the Souls of the Road series is off to the copy editor! (sound the victory tubas!) This book has been a real nut to crack, partly because it swerved mid-writing to be a totally different book than I had planned (no two books write the same, y’all) and partly because my writing time has been much more limited lately.

But today it is out of my hands (for a couple weeks) and soon enough, I’ll dust it off, straighten its little crown, and send it out into the world for readers to find. I’ll be sure to shout it out here, so stay tuned!

TWO: My Patreon (Devon Monk’s Secret Cafe) is one year old today! This anniversary caught me by surprise. When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about changes and improvements I might make to the Secret Cafe, so I decided to look up the launch date. I was shocked to see it was August 19, 2023! –cue the spooky music–

One whole year. Yowza! I’ve posted a poll asking members what they’d like to see for year two. It appears short fiction is getting a lot of votes, so I’m brewing up some fun bits of micro fiction and other stories, which might just (totally will) feature characters from my past works. We all need a little more gargoyle in our lives, right?

THREE: I have decided to crochet a new toy. I am new to crocheting toys, but c’mon. Who doesn’t want something this cute?


    • Deanne Hicks

      We love your work can not wait. My husband is getting a new kendell and love listening to your stories at wotk. He and I are always excited when a new one comes out. Oh the pattern is great and I know you will put your cute spin on it can not wait to see it. Have an amazing day.

      • Devon

        He’s getting a kindle? That’s so cool! Thank you for reading and being so supportive! Have a fabulous day!

    • Devon

      Oh, yeah, I miss knitting them too! I might get back to the fun of giveaways in a few months. If so, I’ll be sure to share that here!

  • Megan Thyagarajan

    Who doesn’t love a Screaming Opossum?! Although, I mean, if I can find a Mouska pattern, I will gladly send him as a future option. 😉