• Release Day – Death and Relaxation

    DEATH AND RELAXATION is out today! I am so excited to finally be able to share with you the first book in my newest series! This is the story about a regular small town cop, Delaney Reed, and her not-so-regular small town of Ordinary, Oregon…

  • Newest Release

    Back Lash, book #1 of the Shame and Terric series is officially available as an ebook! I’ve had a couple questions since the book came out and thought I’d answer them here. Will there be a print edition? – If Back Lash sells well enough,…

  • Back Lash – Sneak Peek

    BACK LASH comes out in ebook on November 12th. Here’s a sneak peek… “All of the people you’ve killed for the last year,” Terric said, with a little less anger. Dash still hadn’t sat down to breakfast. He stood at the toaster as if fascinated…

  • Cover Reveal – Back Lash

    And without further ado, here is the cover for BACK LASH: I received a few questions from my last blog post, and I thought I’d answer them here. BACK LASH comes out in all ebook formats on November 12, 2015. There are no pre-order links,…

  • Back Lash update

    I’m going to let you in on a little secret here. I’m nervous. When I get nervous I tend toward being really quiet and holding very still. But sometimes being nervous can be because of a great thing. It can be because I’m very excited…

  • Worldcon & Newsletter

    Yes! I will be attending Worldcon in Spokane this year. I’ll be traveling via train, which unfortunately means I’ll miss all of Wednesday. But on the upside, I’ll be there until midnight on Sunday. 😉 Here is my schedule: When to Get An Agent Thursday…