Winners – Infinity Bell ARCs
Thank you all for entering the giveaway! I have fired up the random number generator and the winners of the ARCs of INFINITY BELL are: Marisa who said: Yay!!! Here goes another shot! Thanks for the chance and I hope I get picked this time…
Giveaway – Infinity Bell ARCs
Thank you all for entering! Winners have been announced on this post (click here). My goodness it’s been a busy month or two! Sorry to have gone so quiet lately. Over the next week or so, I’ll try to do a few updates about projects…
Upcoming Events
Wow. I can’t believe it’s that time of year already: Orycon is this weekend! I’ll be attending the convention Friday-Sunday (if you see me in the hall or after a panel, come up and say hi! I come to these kinds of things to visit…
Signing Today
Just a quick fly-by post. Today Diana Pharaoh Francis and I will be signing books, chatting, and generally hanging out and having fun from 1:00-3:00 at Reader’s Guide in West Salem, Oregon. Hope to see you there!
The Short and Long of It
This is my week to post on the Deadline Dames, so this post can also be found there. 🙂 Today, I’m feeling chatty. The first book in my new series, HOUSE IMMORTAL came out about a month ago, and I wanted to extend a big…
House Immortal – Giveaways!
The first book in my new fantasy series, HOUSE IMMORTAL is out today! *yay!* *throws confetti!* HOUSE IMMORTAL is getting some great reviews. Thank you, readers and reviewers–you rock so much! Check out what these excellent people have to say about it: Book Briefs +…