• Winners – Infinity Bell ARCs

    Thank you all for entering the giveaway!  I have fired up the random number generator and the winners of the ARCs of INFINITY BELL are: Marisa who said: Yay!!! Here goes another shot! Thanks for the chance and I hope I get picked this time…

  • Giveaway – Infinity Bell ARCs

    Thank you all for entering! Winners have been announced on this post (click here). My goodness it’s been a busy month or two! Sorry to have gone so quiet lately. Over the next week or so, I’ll try to do a few updates about projects…

  • Upcoming Events

    Wow. I can’t believe it’s that time of year already: Orycon is this weekend! I’ll be attending the convention Friday-Sunday (if you see me in the hall or after a panel, come up and say hi! I come to these kinds of things to visit…

  • Signing Today

    Just a quick fly-by post. Today Diana Pharaoh Francis and I will be signing books, chatting, and generally hanging out and having fun from 1:00-3:00 at Reader’s Guide in West Salem, Oregon. Hope to see you there!  

  • The Short and Long of It

    This is my week to post on the Deadline Dames, so this post can also be found there. 🙂 Today, I’m feeling chatty. The first book in my new series, HOUSE IMMORTAL came out about a month ago, and I wanted to extend a big…

  • House Immortal – Giveaways!

    The first book in my new fantasy series, HOUSE IMMORTAL is out today! *yay!* *throws confetti!* HOUSE IMMORTAL is getting some great reviews. Thank you, readers and reviewers–you rock so much! Check out what these excellent people have to say about it: Book Briefs +…