• House Immortal ARC givaway

    Winners have been announced click here to see. I have six (6!) shiny advance reader copies of HOUSE IMMORTAL, book #1 in my new trilogy, that I am giving away! Things you should know: This is what the ARCs look like: No pretty cover and…

  • Plot Talk

    I am blogging over on the Deadline Dames today, and this post is also available there. 🙂 Brace yourself, people. I’m going to talk plotting. *waits for room to empty* Okay, now that it’s just the two of us here, I’m going to tell you…

  • Speed Giveaway! – Closed

    Giveaway is over.  The books are claimed!  Thanks for playing, everyone! Happy reading!! The first two (2) people to comment, win a signed mass market copy of TIN SWIFT. Good luck, speedy fingers!  

  • Winners – Tin Swift!

    *NOTE* There are now 2 (two) unclaimed copies of TIN SWIFT that I will be giving away here on my blog in a first-comments, first-wins speed giveaway around 3:00 PST.  I will post a NEW BLOG ENTRY titled: SPEED GIVEAWAY and the first two people…

  • Tin Swift Giveaway

    Delicious Failure Today is not Tuesday. It is Wednesday. I am blogging, which means I broke my blog-every-Tuesday streak.  Why did I break the streak? Well, instead of blogging, I baked pies for our watch party of the season finale of Supernatural. Here are the…

  • Age of Steam series

    Over the last year or so, readers have asked me if I’m going to finish the Age of Steam steampunk series.  As it stands now, there are three novels and one short story in the series, um…in this order: 1.DEAD IRON 1.5. HANG FIRE (short…