• Random updates x 3

    Writing: If you’ve been following along, you know that copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL were due last Wednesday. I tore through the entire book in Word, marking and changing as I went, and then I printed the book out and read through it a second…

  • Done/Not Done

    Last week when I checked in, I mentioned I’d be plowing through copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL all week.  Well, I was right. About an hour ago, I finished going through the entire book. Since copy edits aren’t due until tomorrow, I’ve printed the book…

  • Words, Lovely Words

    A-ha! This makes two whole Tuesdays in a row that I’ve blogged. I’m on a roll now! 😉 This week I am up to my ears in copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL since the copy edited manuscript is due back on the 30th. This pass…

  • New Title & Behind the Scenes

    Tuesday. Lots of good things about it: 1. It’s not Monday 2. New books are released 3. Supernatural is on 4. It shares the first letter with my actual favorite day of the week 5. I will be blogging here, faithfully (fingers crossed) That’s right.…

  • Stone Cold is Out! + Free Stuff

    STONE COLD is officially out today!  This is book #2 in the Broken Magic series, and I am so excited to share it with you all! *cue the confetti!* If you’d like read some reviews of STONE COLD and interviews with me, check out these…

  • Meanwhile…

    This is going to be another one of those quick catch up posts, which means I’ve been pretty busy lately. But in case you’re curious about what’s been happening in Devon land, I shall sum up: Life 1. We said goodbye to our sweet dog,…