Speed Giveaway – STONE COLD ARC
Contest Closed! Oh, my gosh you guys are fast!!! First comment gets the unclaimed ARC!
Unclaimed ARC Giveaway & a Review
One ARC of STONE COLD hasn’t been claimed yet. If it isn’t claimed by noon PST tomorrow (March 1st) I will give it away in a first-responds first-gets-it, here on the blog (just after noon PST, March 1st). I’ll send out reminders on Twitter and…
A few days ago I posted a giveaway for five (5) ARCs of STONE COLD. Thank you for entering! I have fired up ye olde random number generator, and the winners are: Poppy who said: I would love a chance to win an ARC of…
This, That, & a Giveaway
This: I turned in the revisions for HOUSE IMMORTAL a week ago! Yay! Even though it was a pretty massive revision (I axed over 43,000 words, removed two characters, inserted a new character, shifted the side plots and re-wrote scenes from scratch…while also keeping all…
Note: This week I’ll be blogging over on the Deadline Dames, so this post is also mirrored there. 🙂 I’m not going to lie. One of my favorite parts of being a writer is that tingly joy I feel the first time I see the…
Looking Ahead – 2014
I don’t know about you, but around here it felt like the new year didn’t *really* start until Monday the 6th. So here I am 9 days into the new year and it feels like we’ve only had 2014 rolling for about three days. Last…