Quick post is quick
People. I am SO close to finishing the draft of HELL BENT, book #1 of the Broken Magic series (otherwise known as the Shame and Terric books). But I promised myself I’d do my best to blog at least three times a week, M-W-F, and…
Question? Ask away!
I’m not particularly prone to making new year resolutions. I’m a goal-oriented kind of girl, and usually just set a goal and aim for it. But this year I resolved to try a few new things for my health, for my writing, and yes–for my…
Shame and Terric books
Whew! The holidays were super-busy and a little crazy, but in the end, everything and everyone was lovely. I’ll post some pics of gifts I gave and received, but today I’m following up on a promise I made a couple weeks ago. I am announcing…
Blinks Bleary Eyes
Even I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last posted on the blog! A few things have happened, like Thanksgiving here in the States. It was a lovely meal with lovely family gathered together. We held the big sit-down dinner at our house…
Winners Day #9 – Nine Days of Giveaways
Thank you all for leaving comments, asking questions, and chatting a bit about the Allie Beckstrom series. I really enjoyed doing these retrospectives and behind the scenes tidbits and am so happy you liked them too! Day #9 winners! ARC of Magic For a Price…
Day #9 – Nine Days of Giveaways
To celebrate the last book in the series, MAGIC FOR A PRICE, coming out November 6th, I am doing nine straight days of giveaways! Each day I’ll talk about one of the books in the series, will post cut scenes (if I have them), will…