Magic For A Price – Excerpt #4
I blogged over on the Deadline Dames today about a few crafty things I’ve been doing. If you want a look at my new yarn organizer, or are curious about whether or not I’m dabbling in epublishing (hint: I am) head on over and check…
In Which I Discover Mod Podge
The other day I went to the thrift store looking for a solution for my yarn storage. I didn’t find anything for my yarn, but I did buy a pair of adorably tacky boots that may or may not be bloodstained. I bought them and…
Magic for a Price – Excerpt #3
Here is the Monday Tuesday snippet of MAGIC FOR A PRICE. 🙂 *** I so didn’t want to be the one calling the shots in this fight. I’d already taken the responsibility for one fight. People had died, people had been crippled. I didn’t think…
Magic For A Price – Excerpt #2
Sorry for the delay! Today was my deadline for turning in COLD COPPER, book #3 of the Age of Steam steampunk series. I am happy to say: deadline achieved! Then I found myself in the kitchen baking one of my grandmother’s recipes: Potato Spice Cake. …
Work in progress – COLD COPPER
Had a request for a snippet from COLD COPPER. Remember, I am currently finishing the first draft to submit to my editor. She hasn’t even seen the book yet. So this snippet might or might not actually appear in the book. Please excuse the spelling…
Coffee Dog
Took the car in to the shop early this morning. Got home before sunrise and here’s how Mojo greeted us: Coffee dog. The day just got 100% more awesome.