Thank you all for the kind comments and wishes in the last post! The random number generator has chosen seven winners of signed advanced review copies of MAGIC FOR A PRICE. And the winners are: 1. Sarah Jerome, who wrote: “I am desperate to be…
Want a Free Book?
Today I am giving away advance review copies of MAGIC FOR A PRICE. This is the *last* book in the Allie Beckstrom series (although there will be a spinoff series featuring Shame and Terric. More on that later.) MAGIC FOR A PRICE won’t be out…
Good News
I have some good news I’ve been keeping hush-hush, but can finally reveal. Ready? Book #3 in the Age of Steam steampunk series is a go! Title: COLD COPPER Release: July 2013 Format: Trade paperback and ebook I am so excited to continue the adventure…
Writer’s Journal and Apple Butter Hats
A few weeks ago, writer and fellow Deadline Dame, Karen Mahoney mentioned that she was going to use Facebook as a sort of writer’s journal–a place to keep track of her daily writing progress. I liked that idea, and thought I might give it a…
Saturday at the Monk’s
So I’m taking a break from the day’s word count and decided to whip up some banana bread. Hubby, being a useful guy, is outside trimming back some overgrown brush. He comes in for a quick break and to “quality control” (taste) the batter. Declares…
Knitting: The Sweater Conundrum
You may know this guy: Alan Tudyk who plays Wash on this terrific show: You might know this guy too: Martin Freeman, who plays Watson on this excellent show: Watson wears a sweater in the show that I suddenly really, really wanted to knit! (Did…