Answer Day – 2
More great questions received on the blog! Dawn Young asks: 1. I’ve been trying to teach myself to be better at developing characters. Do you have any tips? Tricks? Resources you could recommend? I enjoy self-teaching myself how to do things, if I can just…
Answer Day
You know what’s coming out on May 10th? The UK release of Magic in the Shadows, Magic on the Storm and Magic Without Mercy! I am so excited for these to be available with their beautiful covers through Berkley UK! To celebrate, I’ll be…
Whimsical Garden
Since I finished a writing project today, I earned a few hours to work in the yard! Hubby and I filled the raised garden boxes with soil and then shopped for veggies and herbs. We also shopped for planters for our herbs, and found these…
The Book Bin – Signing
Salem is the capitol of Oregon. It is placed pretty squarely between two mountain ranges, in the fertile Willamette Valley, with the big cities of Portland to the north and Eugene to the south. It is a city filled with readers, artists, musicians, and plenty…
Question Day
Ask me any question at all, and I’ll do my best to answer it either here on the blog in the next few days, or as a reply in comments. To start us off, I’ll answer a couple questions I’ve recently received in email: 1.…
This, That, and Some Covers
Signing: My signing at Readers Guide in West Salem last week was a lot of fun! Thank you, readers for stopping in and picking up a book (or two!) and for hanging out to talk with me. I had a great time. I left an…