Excerpt Wednesday – Magic Without Mercy
Here it is, NOT Wednesday again, and time for the should-have-been-posted-Wednesday excerpt! Last week I was distracted by the repair work going on at my house, which, since I’m a writer, is also where I work. The repairs are still in full swing, and just…
Wednesday Excerpt – Magic Without Mercy
I’m sorry I didn’t get the Wednesday Excerpt up on Wednesday. We’re going through some house reconstruction, just little things like making sure the roof doesn’t fall in and the kitchen wiring doesn’t burn the house down. The contractor working on the house has been…
Covers, Lovely Covers
I’m going to blame this post on Pinterest. If you haven’t tried this cool site, might I suggest you give it a click? Basically, it’s a place to share all the neat stuff you see online, from DIY arts, crafts, architecture, photography, recipes, fashion, and…
Excerpt Wednesday: Magic Without Mercy
Wow! That week went by quickly. I’m happy to say I finished the copy edits on TIN SWIFT and sent them in last night, beating the deadline by several hours. 🙂 TIN SWIFT (which comes out in July) seems to have shaped up into a…
A Wildflower Wish
I suddenly realized it’s been over a year since I’ve gone to my local library. To be fair, last year was very, very busy for me, and my “free time” was usually the hour between 12:00-1:00 am (my mornings started at 6:00 am). So, yeah,…
Excerpt Wednesday
First, a hearty “thank you!” to readers who pointed out that the Allie Beckstrom books had incorrect dates on Amazon (and were therefore un-orderable). I am happy to say my awesome publisher, Roc, fixed that the glitch, and the books are once again back in…