My Dear Watson
Last month I went a little overboard and knitted up a bunch of silly stuff in the week before Halloween. After I got that out of my system, I decided to tackle a different sort of project. A couple months ago I saw the trailer…
Art and Archives
So I was scanning Facebook the other day and look what I found linked to my wall: Fan art! May I present to you, Allie Beckstrom by Christina Godek. That, my friends, is *awesome*!! I love the swirls of magic that reach all the way…
Three Quick Notes
1. Reminder! I will be chatting live over on Purlsonline tonight at 6:00 PST. I’d love to see you there! Come on over, ask me questions, hang out, and watch how many typos I can rack up in an hour. 😉 2. My publisher has…
First…. I will be live chatting over on Purlsonline this Thursday, November 17th at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And while I have plenty of voices in my head and could probably just type “out loud” with them…I do that every day. So I hope…
And Then There Was Shame
What a fun weekend! A big thank you to OryCon, and to everyone who came to panels, attended the Endeavour Award ceremonies, and shared in the love of science fiction, fantasy, and horror via costumes, music, writing, reading, art, films and crafts. My short story…
Keeping up with Devon, part 1
MAGIC ON THE LINE is over on today as a Barnes& Noble Bookseller’s Picks. My awesome editor Anne Sowards wrote an introduction for the blog post, which is followed by a juicy excerpt from the book. Check it out: Click here. I will be…