• Oh, the Silliness

    I like to knit.  I like to knit silly things, nerdy things, geeky things.  I like to knit useful things too. So I was thrilled when my sister-in-law asked me to knit this silly, useful thing: What is this, you may ask?  And why is…

  • Excerpt Time! MAGIC ON THE LINE

    I’m head-down, and hard-working on TIN SWIFT right now.  This book refuses to write any faster than a couple thousand words a day and I am SO behind my word count goals. *insert angry face* I will finish this book.  I love so much of…

  • MAGIC ON THE LINE Gets a Star

    Wow!  I just received notice that Publisher’s Weekly gave MAGIC ON THE LINE a starred review!  Here, let me share it with you: Publisher’s Weekly – Starred review MAGIC ON THE LINE Monk’s electric seventh Allie Beckstrom urban fantasy (after Apr. 2011’s Magic on the…

  • Allie Goes to the UK

    As I announced some months ago, the Allie Beckstrom series has been picked up by Berkley UK and shiny new editions will be released soon. How soon? MAGIC TO THE BONE comes out October 13th.  That’s less than 3 weeks away! Here is the awesome…

  • Earning My Stitches

    I finished knitting two sets of fingerless gloves for gifts! The yarn I used (Cascade 220) is scratchier than I thought it would be, especially worn close to the inside of the wrist.   I’ve investigated some ways to soften the yarn and had some success.…

  • Quick List For a Monday

    Seasons It rained last night.  It’s been a dry August (we won’t talk about May, June, July…or heck the rest of the year that was plenty damp) It was nice to hear the clatter of drops in the dry grass, smell the summer dust sweeten,…

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