Quick List For a Monday
Seasons It rained last night. It’s been a dry August (we won’t talk about May, June, July…or heck the rest of the year that was plenty damp) It was nice to hear the clatter of drops in the dry grass, smell the summer dust sweeten,…
Distractions for the Win
Web habits. I have them. At least once a day (often more…much more) unless I am under Hideous Deadline of Doom, I check Twitter and Facebook. I don’t check Google+ because I haven’t taken the time to really get involved with it yet. This sounds…
There’s Always Time for Cake
Why do I always underestimate the time it takes me to complete a task? On Sunday, I finished the revisions of MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY. Since I didn’t have to turn in the revisions until the 15th, I figured I’d spend Monday reading through a printout…
Revisions, I have ENDED you
I have finished the editorial revisions on book #8, MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY! This book will be out in April, 2012. Book #7 MAGIC ON THE LINE, is already revised, copy edited, and proofed and will hit the shelves on November 1, 2011. Some stats for…
This is Your Brain on Revisions
One of the tricky parts of writing an ongoing series is keeping track of which characters know what. This is further complicated by rewriting, and the revision process. During revisions I may cut entire scenes wherein a character is told something important, or I may…
Quick Update on Writing Progress
TIN SWIFT – on hold for 8 days so far. I am just over the halfway point in this book (I think) and have been having a blast. Research has slowed me down as I go (but is neccessary, as it drastically changes the scenes,…