Adventures in Mailing
Today I decided I’d mail out the books I owe people. I gathered names, addressed envelopes, filled out the forms for overseas shipping, and headed to the post office. The post office was packed. There was not a single parking space available. Cars were stacked…
Goals, I have them
Today was a day of making goals. I actually do this every month, just so I can keep track of what I should be doing and what I hope to do. At the beginning of the month, I cross off the goals I accomplished during…
Winners! And a snippet
Thank you for entering to win the ARCs of MAGIC ON THE LINE! I wish I had a copy to give out to each and every one of you who left a comment, but right now, I only have seven up for grabs. So here…
Giveaway Magic on the Line
Look what came in the mail! ARCs of MAGIC ON THE LINE!!! MAGIC ON THE LINE won’t be out until November. But I am going to give away SEVEN advance reading copies right now, and I will ship internationally! Remember, this will be full of…
Guidelines for Wonder Woman Gloves
Well….I didn’t write the pattern as I went. I would need to knit another glove to recreate an actual pattern. And I won’t have time for that until next year. A couple people have asked me to post the basics of how I constructed the…
Those Three Magic Words…
I fell out of love with my book yesterday. I wasn’t really surprised. This happens with every book I write. At first it’s the newness of the relationship that makes me excited to meet the book over coffee every morning. Every spare moment I have,…