• Steampunk Man In Black

    While researching old trench digging machines (and oh, my gawd, the things people came up with!) I stumbled across this photo. Why have I never seen this?  My life simply would not have been complete without it.  Let me share the official awesome that it…

  • GEAR Con Mini Report

    I had the wonderful opportunity to attend GEAR Con on Friday.  On arriving at the event, I was immediately invited onto a panel with Irene Radford and Andrew P. Mayer, who were explaining the hows and tos of world building. (I admitted to my post-it…

  • Upcoming Events & Thank You!

    This weekend the first ever, G.aslight E.xplorers, A.dventurers & R.omantics Convetion=GEAR Con will be taking place in Portland, Oregon! I had hoped to spend a good deal of my weekend at the event, but it’s looking more and more like I might only be able…

  • Dead Iron Catches a Star, plus Signings

    Now THIS is a great way to start the week!  Publishers Weekly gave DEAD IRON a starred review!!! ★ A complex and extraordinary world is brought to life as bestselling author Monk’s dips into the steampunk genre in this series debut. In the small town…

  • Doing ‘Til It’s Done

    This is going to be one of those days of pulling up bootstraps, rolling up sleeves and getting stuff done.  With any luck, I hope to: Mail out books I owe winners. That includes the Ace/Roc sampler and DEAD IRON, to US and international winners,…

  • Tools of the Trade

    I am way behind on writing the second steampunk book (which may have a title, more on that as soon as I know!) I am behind on email, mailing out prizes, laundry, bills, errands, sleep, and just about everything else.  So you know what I…