Dead Iron Winners!
Time to announce the winners of Dead Iron! US WINNERS: Karen, who said: “I’m just about to start reading A Shot in the Dark by K.A. Stewart, which is the 2nd installment in the Jesse James Dawson series.” Nikki Baldwin, who said: “Sweet! I am…
Dead Iron Giveaway
Dead Iron is coming out next week! Next. Week. My first steampunk novel will be in the wild world on July 5th, looking for readers who like a tale filled with monsters and magic, guns and gears, heroes and heartbreak, all wrapped up in a…
Wee Little Machine
My computer died. The black screen plague, I believe. I’m going to take it into the shop today and see if it can be revived. I sure hope so. Do I have backups of my work? Yes! Well, all of my work except the folder…
Five For Monday
Just a couple quick updates today. 1. I chose 25 winners for the Ace/Roc samper collection. You can check here to see if you won, then please email me your address and I’ll mail it off to you. Thank you to those who have already…
Sorry to be a little late with this post. Thank you all for throwing your name in the hat for the sample collection! I will use the random number generator to draw 25 names. Please check carefully to see if you’re on the list. If…
I realize I haven’t posted a snippet from DEAD IRON like I promised I would last Friday, but I’ll get it posted tomorrow. A few things have happened over the weekend. One: I have discovered I have the Most Thoughtful Editor in the Universe! It’s…