• Middle of the Madness

    I have a goal today.  It’s a pretty simple goal, really: Finish The Book. I’m writing MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY, book #8 in the Allie Beckstrom series.  It is due Monday the 20th, and I have not finished the draft yet.  Can I finish the draft…

  • Random Life is Random*

    *Did any of you ever read the Chronicles of Amber series by Roger Zelazny?  I read them as a kid, and to this day, every time I hear the word “random” I think of Corwin’s brother.  🙂 We need to earthquake proof our house.  Apparently,…

  • Real Friends and Fake Books

    So, a couple days ago, I mentioned I was writing a fake back cover blurb for a fake book that will never be written, just for the heck of it. Several people asked me to share it, so here’s the whole story: Two of my…

  • Dead Iron Excerpt – Mae Lindson

    Every Friday (well, this week it’s Saturday) until my steampunk novel, DEAD IRON is in bookstores (July 5th) I am going to post an excerpt of the book for your reading pleasure. Remember, you can read the first chapter of the book right here. Or…

  • Note: Minty Fresh

    At the Powell’s Books signing a couple weeks ago, Lilith Saintcrow, Ilona Andrews, and I decided to finally make a lunch date.  The Andrews have been in Oregon for about a year, and Lilith and I are both long-term Northwesterners, but none of us had…

  • Awesomely Almost

    Child Youngest will be graduating from high school Friday.  To say things have been busy around here is an understatement.  Child Eldest graduated from high school last year, and while I don’t make a big deal of such things on my blog, I have to…

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