• Signing, Tips, and Stick Figures

            I will be signing books, (and generally hanging out to chat) TOMORROW Tuesday, April 12, 5:30-7:30 pm at The Reader’s Guide Bookstore in West Salem, Oregon. I hope to see some of you there! Yesterday, I went to the Midland Library…

  • Day after a book release

    So I’m sitting here at my purple desk, an empty cup of coffee and a yarn bowl on one side, a gargoyle and blue power ranger* on the other and notes, knitting patterns, homework for Child Youngest, bills, a bottle of Liquid Paper and a…


    This is it!!  MAGIC ON THE HUNT, the sixth book in the Allie Beckstrom series, is out today!! (Excuse me for a moment while I take a deep breath and scream in joy) I am so happy and grateful for the chance to tell Allie’s…

  • Sunday–Winners!

    Thank you all for entering the giveaway for MAGIC ON THE HUNT! The random number generator has…uh…generated randomly, and the winners are:   Minxlaurel Jamie Woodring Miki   Winners, please contact me at: devonmonk AT gmail DOT com and I will mail your signed copy…

  • Friday Fragment – MAGIC ON THE HUNT

    MAGIC ON THE HUNT will be out in 4 days! I have heard it is already in some stores, but I have no idea which stores at this point. Even though the book isn’t *supposed* to be on the shelves until the 5th, the books…

  • April Signings

    Sadly, I won’t be going to Romantic Times Convention this year.  🙁 Happily, I will be signing, reading from MAGIC ON THE HUNT, and generally hanging out to chat at these lovely local venues.  If you’re in the neighborhood, I hope you’ll stop by and…