Signing, Tips, and Stick Figures
I will be signing books, (and generally hanging out to chat) TOMORROW Tuesday, April 12, 5:30-7:30 pm at The Reader’s Guide Bookstore in West Salem, Oregon. I hope to see some of you there! Yesterday, I went to the Midland Library…
Day after a book release
So I’m sitting here at my purple desk, an empty cup of coffee and a yarn bowl on one side, a gargoyle and blue power ranger* on the other and notes, knitting patterns, homework for Child Youngest, bills, a bottle of Liquid Paper and a…
This is it!! MAGIC ON THE HUNT, the sixth book in the Allie Beckstrom series, is out today!! (Excuse me for a moment while I take a deep breath and scream in joy) I am so happy and grateful for the chance to tell Allie’s…
Thank you all for entering the giveaway for MAGIC ON THE HUNT! The random number generator has…uh…generated randomly, and the winners are: Minxlaurel Jamie Woodring Miki Winners, please contact me at: devonmonk AT gmail DOT com and I will mail your signed copy…
Friday Fragment – MAGIC ON THE HUNT
MAGIC ON THE HUNT will be out in 4 days! I have heard it is already in some stores, but I have no idea which stores at this point. Even though the book isn’t *supposed* to be on the shelves until the 5th, the books…
April Signings
Sadly, I won’t be going to Romantic Times Convention this year. 🙁 Happily, I will be signing, reading from MAGIC ON THE HUNT, and generally hanging out to chat at these lovely local venues. If you’re in the neighborhood, I hope you’ll stop by and…