• Stone the Gargoyle Knitting Pattern

    For anyone who has been looking for my knit gargoyle pattern, I have updated it (made corrections) and you can find it here: Stone the Gargoyle Knitting Pattern Stone comes in two sizes.  Small… …and big! But the pattern is the same for both–it’s only…

  • Friday Fragment – now with 100% more gargoyle!

    I’m terribly late posting this weeks’ snippet from MAGIC ON THE HUNT.  I’m having a hard time finding small bits that don’t give away too many plot points.  So today’s fragment is just a small snippet with Allie and Zayvion. I have, however, been a…

  • Dead Iron – proofs

    I just finished proofs on DEAD IRON and sent them in.  It is such a weird reading experience to see my book at the proof stage.  Even if I once thought I wrote a sentence that might be pretty good, by the time proofs roll…

  • Friday Fragment – 7

    Friday Fragments are my way of counting down to the release of MAGIC ON THE HUNT on April 5th.  Every Friday (unless I’m late, like this week!) I’ll post an excerpt or deleted snippet or alternate scene from the Allie Beckstrom books. We are SO…

  • Catching up

    So other than posting snippets of MAGIC ON THE HUNT every Friday, I’ve been a little lax on updating lately.  Let’s catch up, shall we? Here’s what I’ve been up to lately: Life Stuff: Child youngest is a senior in high school this year, and…

  • Friday Fragment – 6

    Friday Fragments are my way of counting down to the release of MAGIC ON THE HUNT on April 5th.  Every Friday (unless I’m late, like this week!) I’ll post an excerpt or deleted snippet or alternate scene from the Allie Beckstrom books. Today’s scene is…