• Newsletter and Question

    September’s newsletter went out today. If you subscribe, do check your email, inbox, or spam to see if you’ve won one of the knit toys. Which knit toys? I’m giving away these three cuties this month, since two of them were not claimed by the…

  • Devon vs. Robot

    Here’s the deal. I need to get this novel done like yesterday, and my daily wordcount has been disappointing. So today, I’m trying to recreate the word count whiteboard at Rainforest Writers Retreat that always makes me try to write more. If you’re unfamiliar with…

  • New Book Out Now + Update

    Last week, I took off to a campground near the beach (south of Ordinary, Oregon *wink*) to get some focused writing time. It was my first time driving our RV solo, AND my first time backing into a camping spot. I am pleased to announce…

  • Squirrel Wizard

    I have knitted a squirrel wizard! This adventerous little guy will be given to a randomly chosen newsletter subscriber Monday, August 30th. If you aren’t subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here. If you are, well, fair warning, you’re in the drawing for…

  • The Company of Fluffs

    At current count, we have three cats more or less occupying our yard. (Do we have a dog? Yes. Does our dog chase cats, or follow cats, or pay any attention at all to cats? No, because our dog thinks she’s a cat, and therefore…

  • The Whims of Flowers

    Behold, the sunflowers I did not plant! Note they are accompanied by other wild flowers I also did not plant. See them all thriving alongside the onions I did plant. Our yard has gone through some big changes this year. We put in new garden…

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