• Speed Giveaway – House Immortal

    GIVEAWAY IS OVER. Those speedy fingers were extra speedy today. 🙂 This is the speed giveaway! Comment, quick! The first three people who comment on this post will received an advanced reader copy of HOUSE IMMORTAL.   Good luck!  

  • Winners! House Immortal ARCs

    A big thank you to readers for entering the giveaway for early copies of the first book in my new trilogy: HOUSE IMMORTAL. I fired up the random number generator, and the winners are: Tanya R. Monroe  who said: LOVED the Allie Beckstrom and Breakers…

  • House Immortal ARC givaway

    Winners have been announced click here to see. I have six (6!) shiny advance reader copies of HOUSE IMMORTAL, book #1 in my new trilogy, that I am giving away! Things you should know: This is what the ARCs look like: No pretty cover and…

  • Plot Talk

    I am blogging over on the Deadline Dames today, and this post is also available there. 🙂 Brace yourself, people. I’m going to talk plotting. *waits for room to empty* Okay, now that it’s just the two of us here, I’m going to tell you…

  • Speed Giveaway! – Closed

    Giveaway is over.  The books are claimed!  Thanks for playing, everyone! Happy reading!! The first two (2) people to comment, win a signed mass market copy of TIN SWIFT. Good luck, speedy fingers!  

  • Winners – Tin Swift!

    *NOTE* There are now 2 (two) unclaimed copies of TIN SWIFT that I will be giving away here on my blog in a first-comments, first-wins speed giveaway around 3:00 PST.  I will post a NEW BLOG ENTRY titled: SPEED GIVEAWAY and the first two people…