This, That, & a Giveaway
This: I turned in the revisions for HOUSE IMMORTAL a week ago! Yay! Even though it was a pretty massive revision (I axed over 43,000 words, removed two characters, inserted a new character, shifted the side plots and re-wrote scenes from scratch…while also keeping all…
Note: This week I’ll be blogging over on the Deadline Dames, so this post is also mirrored there. 🙂 I’m not going to lie. One of my favorite parts of being a writer is that tingly joy I feel the first time I see the…
Looking Ahead – 2014
I don’t know about you, but around here it felt like the new year didn’t *really* start until Monday the 6th. So here I am 9 days into the new year and it feels like we’ve only had 2014 rolling for about three days. Last…
Looking Back at 2013
Here’s how 2013 shook out for me: Writing Books written: 3 — Hell Bent, Stone Cold, House Immortal Short stories written: 2 — Life Between Dreams, The Lost The Found Books revised: 2 — Hell Bent, Stone Cold Books copy edited: 3 — Cold Copper,…
Holiday Happiness
I always say I will shop, clean, decorate, bake, make, and otherwise indulge in holiday joy early every year. Did I get everything done early this year? Not even close. My son, the smart guy that he is, went “first minute shopping” as he called…
This, That, and Other Things
This: In case you missed it on Twitter and Facebook, I just finished my first felting project! I used stash wool, but some of the yarn wasn’t 100% wool so not everything felted. Oops! However, I still kind of adore this patchwork Wizard’s hat: Specifics:…