Winners! Hell Bent ARCs
The random number generator has spoken! Here are the winners of the advance copies of HELL BENT: Jason B who said: I’m very excited about this new extension of Allie’s world. I guess this now becomes Shame & Terric’s world Mahala who said: I’ve been waiting…
Day Off!
Don’t forget! I am giving away advance reader copies of HELL BENT. To enter for a chance to win, click here. Today is my first day off in over a month. Yay, day off! What am I doing? Well, so far, I’ve paid bills, done…
Giveaway – Hell Bent ARC
Yes! I have five (5) ARCs of HELL BENT up for grabs! These don’t have the pretty cover…um this: …but they do have a shiny cover. Seriously, I’ve never had an ARC with a glossy cover. See the shiny! This is book #1 in the…
Revisions – Stone Cold – Done! (well, almost)
I have done it! I have finished the revisions on STONE COLD, book #2 of the spinoff series from the Allie Beckstrom books. Book #1, HELL BENT will be out in November, and STONE COLD will be out in April next year. Tomorrow, I’ll give…
Books, Barbecues, and Good Shows
Signing First a BIG thank you to Maria and Scott at Escape Fiction for putting on a signing for both me and the lovely Diana Pharaoh Francis on Sunday! Second, an even BIGGER thank you to readers who came out to chat with us, and…
In The Win Pile
One more reminder! I’ll be signing alongside the fabulous Diana Pharaoh Francis Saturday, August 24th – 4:00 – Escape Fiction in Salem Oregon I’ll also be giving away one of these: Hell Bent, book #1 in the spinoff Broken Magic series won’t be out until…