The Knights Who Say “Knit!”

Want to knit your very own Knight Helmet?

So there are a few really cool crochet patterns for knight’s helms out there, but my crocheting skills are pretty rough. When I got a request to knit a knight’s helm for a nephew’s birthday gift, I thought I’d give a knitted version a go.

What You’ll Need

  • Worsted acrylic yarn
  • Sock weight yarn – silver sparkly string
  • US #8 (5mm) cable needles, US #8 DPN’s, and straight needles
  • The PDF pattern available for download below

If you find errors in this pattern, please contact me at and I will make corrections.

This pattern is copyrighted by Devon Monk 2010-2020. Please enjoy the pattern for personal projects and gift-giving, but do not sell the pattern or the items made from the pattern.


  • Maria

    This is an absolutely awesome creation! I found your site purely by chance, googling some knitting thing I’ve no forgotten. This hat is amazing, and I’ll definitely get to making something like it for my soon to be 4-year-old. Thanks for sharing!

  • Angie

    I canNOT believe that my fave author is also such a talented knitter!! I have enjoyed looking at your wonderful projects and am itching to make one of these as well as my very own Stone!! Thanks for sharing your many talents with us all 🙂

  • Dawn Stewart

    Hi, My son asked me to knit him a knights helmet for his 21st. Thankfully I found your pattern online. Thanks so much for this. May I take your instructions and add them with my own and enter them on the ravelry webiste. This way other knittters can join in the fun. Thanks heaps again for this pattern. When I am finished my sons helmet I will post you a photo if you like.
    Dawn from New Zealand

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